Dental Nachos Blog

A Chat with Dr. Brett Burris On How Online Dental CE + Community Changed His Life

Written by Marissa Onesi | Mar 16, 2023 9:53:17 PM


*RipeGlobal is a Key Resource and Sponsor of Dental Nachos 


Today we’re talking with Dr. Brett Burris, a private practice owner in Jonesboro, Arkansas. Dr. Burris has been in practice for 17 years.


“We just have a family-owned business - trying to be better and take care of our patients every day.” 


Being a dentist can be isolating - and for Dr. Burris, he felt this especially in his community with the lack of other dentists in driving distance to turn to for advice or talk with about his dentisting highs and lows. 


“I spent all of my early career thinking that I was in a bubble by myself. I was excited about dentistry, but I didn’t have anybody who wanted to talk about it with me.” 


It wasn’t until Dr. Burris was years into his practice that he started searching for a community online and found it within dental-focused Facebook pages, such as RipeGlobal. Dr. Burris found that if he was having a hard week, he could go online and see people doing amazing dentistry and feel good about it.


The online spaces also provided opportunities to connect to online CE. 


“I reached a point where I was looking for other CE opportunities. I was following some hands-on CE, and then Covid shut the world down. I couldn’t travel - and even if I wanted to travel, I couldn’t just close my practice for 9 weeks. I’m a private business owner.” 


Like many other dentists, Dr. Burris wasn’t satisfied with the option of shutting down his operatory for extended periods of time to go to in-person CE. 


“So I found myself looking at this amazing opportunity with RipeGlobal - the place showing everyday, amazing quality dentistry and offering to teach it to people.” 


Dr. Burris says he signed up immediately


The RipeGlobal Fellowship exposes dentists to world-class instruction from a host of global instructors, teaching everything from Class 2s to crowns to full mouth restoration, right from your own operatory, using your own equipment. 


“This is truly hands-on remote learning. They mailed me a mannequin that I could attach to my chair and it allowed me to do my hands-on training with my handpiece, my equipment, with my composites in my office… so it allowed me to do it in a place I felt comfortable.” 


Dr. Burris states feeling this level of comfort in his own operatory translates to the comfort he felt applying what he had learned to patients. 


“I’ve taken a lot of CE, and one thing I’ve learned is that it doesn’t matter what you take, it matters what you take home. You have to be able to implement it with your patients right there.” 


Dr. Burris’s only regret, he says, is that he didn’t find the fellowship earlier. 


“I’m jealous because I’m 17 years into practice. I took my fellowship cohort with people that were one or two years out of dental school. I sit and look at what I’ve learned from RipeGlobal and how it’s trained, changed, and transformed my practice. It made me more confident. If I could get that compound interest on me learning this 5 years out of school instead of 15 years out of school, the amazing growth that I would have seen between now and then would be immeasurable.” 


Learn more about the RipeGlobal Fellowship and how it can help you increase happiness, decrease stress, and most importantly, minimize the amount of times you feel like crying inside a day: 


If you're interested in other online CE, check out Dental Nachos On-Demand CE platform that can access anywhere, anytime.