Dental Nachos Blog

Dr. Nacho's Favorite Books!

Written by Victoria Harris | Sep 24, 2024 7:19:17 PM

Ever wondered what fuels Dr. Nacho’s endless stream of witty remarks and insightful advice? Spoiler alert—it’s books. Lots of them. In fact, he's just added an epic one to his favorite reads list (but more on that in a bit.) First, let's walk you through some of Dr. Nacho’s must-read picks that are bound to shape your dental practice—and maybe even your life!

Let's be honest, dentistry isn't just about handling dental tools and keeping your patients' teeth clean. It's about building trust, communicating effectively, and creating a community around your practice. Enter the magic of reading! 

Reading these books will:

  • Sharpen your communication skills
  • Help you understand human behavior
  • Provide practical tips for enhancing your practice

Are you ready to upgrade your bookshelf? Here are Dr. Nacho’s top picks.

To Sell is Human by Daniel Pink

Ever thought being a dentist means you don’t have to sell anything? Think again. Daniel Pink’s To Sell is Human breaks down the misconception that selling is a dirty word. Instead, it turns selling into something every human does, including—you guessed it—dentists.

Pink argues that at its core, selling is about moving others. Whether you're convincing your patient about the importance of flossing or explaining the benefits of a certain treatment, you’re selling. The book offers practical advice on how to do this more effectively.

Takeaways for Dentists

  • How to create genuine connections
  • Techniques to overcome patient objections
  • Tips for making persuasive arguments without sounding salesy

If you’ve been struggling to make patients see the value in their treatments, this book is your new best friend.

The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell

Malcolm Gladwell's The Tipping Point explores how small actions at the right time, in the right context, and with the right people can create a tipping point for significant change. Imagine this in your dental practice—small tweaks causing a massive improvement in patient satisfaction.

So, understanding the dynamics of tipping points helps you identify what's working and what's not. The book offers case studies and examples that are not only fascinating but also incredibly applicable to any business setting.

Takeaways for Dentists

  • Identifying key influencers among your patient base
  • Understanding the power of word-of-mouth marketing
  • Using small changes to create big impacts in patient experience

Want to create that tipping point in your practice? Start with this book.

Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi

Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi isn’t just about food. It’s about the relationships you build around the dining table (or the dental chair, in your case). Ferrazzi dives deep into the art of networking and maintaining fruitful relationships.

If you think networking is just for corporate suits, think again. Building a network of colleagues, mentors, and patients can do wonders for your practice. Ferrazzi’s advice is actionable and practical, making it easy to implement.

Takeaways for Dentists

  • Building lasting relationships with patients and colleagues
  • Effective follow-up strategies to keep connections alive
  • Leveraging your network for referrals and growth

Who knew making friends could be so beneficial for your practice?

Setting the Table by Danny Meyer

Danny Meyer’s Setting the Table offers insights into the world of hospitality through the lens of a restaurateur. And guess what? The principles of great hospitality apply just as well to a dental practice as they do to a Michelin-star restaurant.

This book is a goldmine for anyone looking to improve customer service. Meyer’s "Enlightened Hospitality" philosophy emphasizes putting employees first to create a better experience for customers.

Takeaways for Dentists

  • Creating a welcoming atmosphere for patients
  • Training staff to provide exceptional service
  • Building a culture of care and respect within your practice

Ever thought your dental office could learn a thing or two from a top-notch restaurant? Now you will.

Dr. Nacho's ABCs of Patient Communication by Dr. Paul Goodman

Here's the moment you've been waiting for—Dr. Nacho's very own masterpiece. Dr. Nacho's ABCs of Patient Communication is like having Dr. Nacho whispering in your ear, guiding you through the art of patient interaction.

This book isn’t just another how-to guide; it’s a game-changer. Dr. Goodman breaks down complex dental jargon into plain, patient-friendly language. With phrases like "Don’t say this; say this!", it’s packed with gems that will make your patient communications smoother than a root canal gone perfectly right.

Takeaways for Dentists

  • Effective communication techniques
  • Building trust with your patients
  • Turning every interaction into a positive experience

Ready to become a "dentisting" communication rockstar? Grab your copy of "Dr. Nacho's ABCs of Patient Communication" on Amazon.

Bringing It All Together

Reading these books will not only make you a better dentist but also a better communicator and community builder. From selling and tipping points to networking and hospitality, each book offers valuable lessons that can transform your practice.

Don’t just take our word for it!  Start reading, start implementing, and watch as your practice—and your life—transform. And remember, if you want to take your communication skills to the next level, Dr. Nacho’s book is just a click away. Happy reading!